What is estate planning?

The correct amounts to the correct recipients

Estate planning is about making a plan to ensure that your family, or other chosen beneficiaries, can benefit as much as possible from your assets in the future. A key part of this is ensuring that your will is up-to-date and drafted in the best possible way to ensure the correct amounts go to the correct recipients.

Protection against inheritance tax/divorce/long-term care/creditors

However, there is much more to estate planning than just having a will. Each professional can have a tendency to see problems through the lens of their profession. For example, a lawyer may see an estate planning problem as a legal problem, whereas an accountant may view it primarily as a taxation issue. Drawing on nearly a quarter of a century of experience, we understand that the best results can be achieved by drawing together the different approaches to estate planning to offer an integrated solution. Working together with other trusted professionals, we act as an estate planning hub to offer our clients the opportunity to benefit from all different aspects of effective estate planning, such as the use of trusts, making gifts in a variety of ways, and looking at the best way of managing any potential tax implications.

We can help to ensure that our clients and their beneficiaries protect their assets against Inheritance Tax, divorce, long-term care and bankruptcy/creditors by integrating our unique knowledge of both legal and taxation matters with our role as financial planners.

Some of the products/services shown above are not regulated or may not be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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